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The daily stress people face can lead to several serious mental health issues. Some individuals have a constant struggle with anxiety and depression. Several factors contribute to depression, including the economy, relationship problems, low self-esteem, social anxiety, bullying, peer pressure, medical imbalances and social media embarrassment. Some individuals seek help and speak out about their emotional state. Some do not - they fall into deep depression, which leads to suicidal thoughts.

Several mental health campaigns can be found online, especially on social media.

Those who struggle with mental health are encouraged to:

  • seek help,

  • to avoid triggering situations,

  • and to get professional assistance if the problem persists.      

Unfortunately, as serious as suicide is, there are those who use manipulative behaviour for self-gain

by threatening to commit suicide for various reasons.

  • In this specific instance, we are addressing a rising trend on the TikTok platform, where an individual threatens to commit suicide to grow an audience, receive TikTok gifts and to manipulate specific situations.

  • In recent events on separate occasions, several of the larger South African TikTok influencers have been threatening to commit suicide while hosting a live video broadcast.

  • The apparent reasons for their actions were respectively listed as:

    • Receiving too much hate from those in the comment section.

    • Being embarrassed by fellow TikTok users.

    • Being pressured by other TikTok users.

    • Not being able to cope with the stress of being ‘hated’ on by their peers on the platform.

    • Being bullied on the platform.

  • Although all the above are legitimate contributors to depression, our investigation has revealed that in some instances, the drive behind online suicidal behaviour is primarily "gift" or gain-driven.

  • Unfortunately, a few bad examples have led to a trend.

  • TikTok users are using manipulative suicidal behaviour to extort gifts from the public.

  • The concerning fact is that it seems to be working, as the public is oblivious to the fact that the person who threatens to commit suicide is using emotional manipulation for a targeted purpose.

  • Several established TikTok users have spoken out concerning this trend, and the potential damage that it could do to up and coming TikTok creators, as it sets a bad example.

  • New TikTok users watch the established users daily, they learn from them, and they strive to be just as popular.

  • The behaviour of those who use something as serious as suicide for clout and monetary gain, sets the wrong example for those who are starting out on the platform, it gives them the idea that growing an account on the platform can be expedited by behaving in this manner.

  • They then copy the actions of those they idolise.

  • An established TikTok user made the following statement in response to the matter: "Why are people still following those who do this? Can't they see that the person is using the threat of suicide to make money on the app? People should block and unfollow these people instead of gifting them. What kind of example are they setting for young people? Especially for people who are starting their journey on the platform?"

  • Suicide is an extremely sensitive and serious matter, and an empty threat of suicide for the wrong reasons detracts from the significance that the situation deserves.


Specialised Security Services reached out to several established TikTok creators for their opinions on the matter,

and this is what they had to say:

Mr Juan Melvin (TikTok user):

“It is my opinion that TikTok influencers, like gamers, are sometimes disconnected from reality.

The overnight fame and fortune gained from social media is addictive and a narcissistic personality feeds on this.

Live broadcasts have become the perfect platform to create drama, using fear as a manipulation tool

by exposing vulnerable people’s private affairs. Like Roman public fighting, the crowds cheer on while the innocent’s blood is being spilt.

In the modern era, the cheers translate into gifts worth thousands of Rands, as followers love the drama, and thus, creators keep creating drama.

The vicious circle continues as every person becomes a vulnerable target to these bullies who will not stop because they are making money.

Only a third of the gifting money lands up in their pockets and those pockets have become deep.

Like gamblers, the followers and gifters become addicted to gifting and seeing stars trailing over the screen as the gifts are

being delivered to the creator, and because of that, some will not stop, not until they have emptied their bank account while purchasing gifts.

The alarming new trend is the so-called DRAMA EXPOSÉ, a typical tension building live video, with a very dramatic “premeditated” suicide attempt, this ranges from drinking many pills to shooting themselves with very realistic looking toy guns. The manipulation behind this act is very subtle,

but naïve followers do not see the correlation between the lack of “gifting” before the video and the thousands of gifts received

during and after the “threat of suicide”.


Unlike television, these are real people attempting suicide and whether fake or not, it is triggering for vulnerable followers,

especially those who have lost loved ones. SADAG, the South African Depression and Anxiety Group in SA,

should look into this and make it a criminal offence with heavy consequences, in my opinion.

I think the Tiktokkers using this new phenomenon are all attention seekers, and they might suffer from low self-esteem.

They crave validation and the approval of their followers and do not see life as valuable. 

These influencers all have stories of some emotional childhood references or traumatic upbringings.

This is not the platform for such methods of attention-seeking. These things used to only happen on the dark web but

have now spread to public social media channels.

The gifters and followers are just as guilty, in my opinion.

Without a demand or a reward, these horrible actions will not take place.

Take away the support - "monetary value" - gifts and these horrible actions will stop.

People in the comment section during these drama ‘lives’ are almost always adding fuel to the fire, but they use fake accounts,

and they never reveal their real identity.

TikTok is a place to escape the reality of the world and to have fun but unfortunately, in South Africa, it has become a

negative manipulation tool. But if we remove the few bad apples, it can be the fun, entertaining platform it used to be.”

Mr Jacques Rossouw (TikTok user):

"Good day to the public, social media, and my fellow TikTok community,

I want to start by acknowledging my own faults. I have been caught up in drama on TikTok before, where I let my emotions get the best of me,

and I am not proud of those moments. Many of us strive to stand up for what is right, either to protect ourselves or someone we care about,

but not all of us have the confidence to do so, or we feel that our opinions might not matter. I want to encourage everyone who reads this

by saying that your opinions do matter and can make a positive impact on someone’s life.

A very serious trend is emerging on TikTok, and I fear it will worsen if we don't unite and stop this before innocent people, families,

or the youth get hurt. This isn't just about online experiences; it's also about personal experiences offline.

In my opinion, suicide is not a joke, and it is not the answer to the problems or circumstances you might find yourself in.

Unfortunately, a very bad example is being set on TikTok. It is saddening and worrying to see that it is becoming the norm for people

to threaten suicide if they face difficulties on the platform. This puts out the dangerous message that suicide is the answer to all problems.

This issue is becoming a pandemic, and if we, as the TikTok community, don’t put our differences aside and stand together,

I fear that someone will get hurt, and we will regret our refusal to act.

It is obvious that we all don't see eye to eye, but I believe we can fight this problem together. The biggest cause of this issue is money.

Many people earn their living on social media, and while I don’t have a problem with making valuable content, I do have a problem

with those who earn a living through emotional manipulation. Those who make their followers believe they will commit suicide if

their needs and wants are not met are setting a dangerous precedent.

It blows my mind that there are still people who agree with me about this but then turn around and financially support individuals

who engage in this behaviour. We are allowing the wrong individuals to set examples on social media. Just because a public suicide

attempt was not successful does not mean that person is not a danger to themselves or their supporters. Threatening or pretending to

commit suicide on live video for money or sympathy is, in my opinion, an attention-seeking strategy.

I never thought I would see the day when someone would pretend to commit suicide just to get gifts and attention on TikTok.

Once they achieve their goal, they suddenly have the will to live again, only to repeat the same behaviour. This is called emotional blackmail.

It broadcasts the wrong and dangerous message to the youth and to those going through difficult times.

How can a person go from crying and suicidal thoughts in one moment to bullying and cyber harassment in the next?

Then, the same person plays the victim when those provoked respond. This vicious cycle has become the norm on social media,

and it is very concerning. I believe it is not a matter of if, but when we will see someone commit suicide on social media

because they have learned that this is how to get attention, money, or fame.

I conclude by asking my fellow TikTok members to open your eyes and see the bigger picture.

Suicide is not something to be mocked or played with; it is a very serious matter. We do not need to broadcast the wrong message to the public.

I beg you to stop this behaviour before someone gets hurt. It is one thing to disagree or even fight with each other, but let’s keep it clean

and think of the generations who look up to us.

Nobody deserves to die, whether they are an attention seeker, someone trying to make money, or just a casual TikTok user.

Nobody deserves to die or be hurt, especially not for TikTok gifts, money, or a false sense of fame."



  • Do not involve yourself with a social media platform if you do not have the emotional strength to deal with the stress that comes with social media exposure.

  • If you are involved on a social media platform where you are being intimidated, bullied or embarrassed, leave the platform and avoid it all together.

  • Do not get involved in conversations online where an individual is being bullied for whatever reason.

  • Avoid publishing hurtful, defamatory and derogatory content about others online.

  • Always keep in mind that your actions have consequences, even though you may be using an alias or private account.

  • Respect others and respect yourself, be mindful of the content you publish online, and remember that everything you do online leaves a footprint.


Specialised Security Services views this behaviour on social media as extremely serious and harmful to the public.

The necessary action will be taken against those who exhibit this kind of behaviour online.





Contact number: +27 64 747 3323


If you or anyone you know struggles with suicidal thoughts,

call the National Suicide Hotline on 0800 567 567.


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This group is important in delivering insights into the latest crime trends, awareness, warnings and the exposure of criminals.





Mike Bolhuis

Specialist Investigators into

Serious Violent, Serious Economic Crimes & Serious Cybercrimes

PSIRA Reg. 1590364/421949

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EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: All potential clients need to be aware that owing to the nature of our work as specialist investigators there are people who have been caught on the wrong side of the law - who are trying to discredit me - Mike Bolhuis and my organisation Specialised Security Services - to get themselves off the hook. This retaliation happens on social media and creates doubt about our integrity and ability. Doubt created on social media platforms is both unwarranted and untrue. We strongly recommend that you make up your minds concerning me and our organisation only after considering all the factual information - to the exclusion of hearsay and assumptions. Furthermore, you are welcome to address your concerns directly with me should you still be unsatisfied with your conclusions. While the internet provides a lot of valuable information, it is also a platform that distributes a lot of false information. The distribution of false information, fake news, slander and hate speech constitutes a crime that can be prosecuted by law. Your own research discretion and discernment are imperative when choosing what and what not to believe.

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